1 --- Acker, Barry
2 --- Acker, Kevin
3 --- Acker, Rose Anne
4 --- Allain, Charles
4a -- Allain, Clarence
5 --- Allain, Laurie Ann
6 --- Allen, Mark
7 --- Amon, Carol Ann
8 --- Anderson, Lewis
9 --- Anderson, Lloyd
10 --- Anderson, Norma
11 --- Anderson, Richard (deceased)
12 --- Archilles, Bonny Lynn
13 --- Archilles, Richard
14 --- Armour, Deborah (Smith)
15 --- Armstrong, Billy
16 --- Armstrong, Bob (deceased)
17--- Armstrong, Elizabeth (Murray)
18 --- Armstrong, Joyce (Shanks)
19 --- Armstrong, Margaret
20 --- Armstrong, Sharon (Calder)
21 --- Arseaneau, Claudette (McDonald)
22 --- Arseneau, Rene
23 --- Arseneau, Roland
24 --- Arseneault, Beverly
25 --- Arseneault, Eli
26 --- Arseneault, Eloise
27 --- Arseneault, Gilda (MacAdam)
28 --- Atkinson, Peter
29 --- Ball, Lindon
30 --- Ball, Nancy (Clark)
31 --- Balser, Millicent
32 --- Banfield, Gordien
33 --- Barnes, Edward
34 --- Barnett, Michael
35 --- Barrieau, Anna
36 --- Barrieau, Joseph
37 --- Barrieau, Louise
38 --- Batson, Robert
39 --- Beeler, Mary
40 --- Beggs, David
41 --- Beggs, Dorion
42 --- Beggs, Sharon
43 --- Beggs, Sheila
44 --- Belliveau, Bernadette
45 --- Belliveau, Gerald
46 --- Belliveau, Harvey
47 --- Belliveau, Jerry
48 --- Bernier, Catherine
49 --- Bizzeau, Alyre
50 --- Bizzeau, Robin
51 --- Boone, Blair
52 --- Boone, Cathy (Robichaud)
53 --- Boone, Cedric
54 --- Boone, David
55 --- Boone, Diana
56 --- Boone, Duane
57 --- Boone, Ellen
58 --- Boone, Ernie
59 --- Boone, Freddie
60 --- Boone, George (deceased)
61 --- Boone, Gloria
62 --- Boone, Harlan
63 --- Boone, Helen (deceased)
64 --- Boone, Ian
65 --- Boone, Karen
66 --- Boone, Kimberly
67 --- Boone, Lucy (Howe)
68 --- Boone, Randford
69 --- Boone, Rosemarie
70 --- Bourque, David (deceased)
71 --- Bourque, Joanne
72 --- Bourque, Vanessa
73 --- Bradford, Deborah
74 --- Bradford, Frank
75 --- Bragg, Gordon
76 --- Brawn, Henry
77 --- Bridges, Alfred
78 --- Bridges, Burnetta
79 --- Bridges, Doreen
80 --- Bridges, Gertrude
81 --- Bridges, Harold
82 --- Bridges, Harriet
83 --- Bridges, Harry
84 --- Bridges, Henry
85 --- Bridges, Hughie
86 --- Bridges, Iva
87 --- Bridges, Justin
88 --- Briggs, Barbara
89 --- Britton, John
90 --- Britton, Paul
91 --- Brooks, Donna
92 --- Brooks, Geraldine (Carter)
93 --- Brooks, Marlene
94 --- Brooks, Michael
95 --- Brown, Arthur
96 --- Brown, Bertha
97 --- Brown, Dwight
98 --- Brown, Eleanor (deceased)
99 --- Brown, Gerald
100 --- Brown, Gertrude (deceased)
100a -- Brown, Karen (Clouston)
100b -- Brown, Marilyn (Owens)
101 --- Brown, Rachel (deceased)
102 --- Brown, Sharon (Tanner)
103 --- Brown, Yvonne (deceased)
104 --- Bulger, Mary
105 --- Bulger, Wayne
106 --- Caissie, Aldorie (deceased)
107 --- Caissie, Clarence
108 --- Caissie, Claudia (Grasse)
109 --- Caissie, Donald
110 --- Caissie, Eugene
111 --- Caissie, Lita
112 --- Caissie, Lovina
113 --- Caissie, Raymond
113a -- Caissie, Rose-May (Cashol)
114 --- Caldwell, Brendan
115 --- Caldwell, Deborah
116 --- Caldwell, Douglas
117 --- Cameron, Donna (Mulholland)
118 --- Cameron, Harry
119 --- Cameron, Margaret (Haddon)
120 --- Cameron, Sandy
121 --- Campbell, Alexandra
122 --- Campbell, Deborah (Stevens)
123 --- Campbell, Gail (deceased)
124 --- Campbell, Lenora
125 --- Campbell, Lowell
126 --- Campbell, Wayne
127 --- Carpenter, Beverly
128 --- Carpenter, Donna
129 --- Carpenter, Donnie
130 --- Carpenter, Gary
131 --- Carpenter, Roy (deceased)
132 --- Carr, Anna (Stewart)
133 --- Carr, Anne Marie (Howe)
134 --- Carr, Annette (Campbell)
135 --- Carr, Arthur
136 --- Carr, Audrey
137 --- Carr, Beatrice Marie (Currier)
138 --- Carr, Barbara Ann
139 --- Carr, Basil (deceased)
140 --- Carr, Bernice
141 --- Carr, Bertha (Grasse)
142 --- Carr, Beverly (deceased)
143 --- Carr, Billy
144 --- Carr, Bob
145 --- Carr, Bonnie (Harnish)
146 --- Carr, Brenda (Howe)
147 --- Carr, Burpee
148 --- Carr, Caroline (deceased)
149 --- Carr, Cathy (McCann)
150 --- Carr, Cindy
151 --- Carr, Claude
152 --- Carr, Craig
153 --- Carr, Dale
154 --- Carr, Dana
155 --- Carr, Daniel
156 --- Carr, Darrell R.
157 --- Carr, Daryl
158 --- Carr, David (deceased) (1) son of Ashley
159 --- Carr, David (deceased) (2) son of Woodrow
160 --- Carr, Dayle
161 --- Carr, Deborah (dau of Ivan)
162 --- Carr, Deborah (Leclerc) (dau of Orville)
163 --- Carr, Delbert
164 --- Carr, Delores
165 --- Carr, Dennis
166 --- Carr, Derrick
167 --- Carr, Diane (Currier)(1) (dau of Cecil)
168 --- Carr, Diane (Flood)(2) (dau of Burden)
169 --- Carr, Doreen
170 --- Carr, Doug
171 --- Carr, Earla (deceased)
172 --- Carr, Edison
173 --- Carr, Edna (Smith)
174 --- Carr, Elaine (Nash)
175 --- Carr, Elizabeth (Guthrie)
176 --- Carr, Elvina
177 --- Carr, Eric “Rick”
178 --- Carr, Freddy (deceased)
179 --- Carr, Gail (Gardner)
179a -- Carr, Gary
180 --- Carr, Gerald
181 --- Carr, Glorianne (Howe) (deceased)
182 --- Carr, Harry (deceased)
183 --- Carr, Harvey
184 --- Carr, Hazen
185 --- Carr, Heather
186 --- Carr, Jackie
187 --- Carr, Jane (Solven)
188 --- Carr, Jasper
189 --- Carr, Jim
190 --- Carr, Joan
191 --- Carr, Joe
192 --- Carr, Joy
193 --- Carr, Judy Ann
194 --- Carr, Keith
195 --- Carr, Ken
196 --- Carr, Kevin
197 --- Carr, Lana
198 --- Carr, Larry (1) (deceased) (son of Paul)
199 --- Carr, Larry (2) (son of Ivan)
200 --- Carr, Larry (3) (son of Lawrence)
201 --- Carr, Linda (Harnish)
202 --- Carr, Linton
203 --- Carr, Laverne
204 --- Carr, Lorraine (1) (dau of Gerald)
205 --- Carr, Lorraine (2) (dau of Rued)
206 --- Carr, Lorrie (Beauchamp)
207 --- Carr, Louise
208 --- Carr, Marianne
209 --- Carr, Marlene
210 --- Carr, Martha
211 --- Carr, Mary Lou
212 --- Carr, Maxine (Winchester)
213 --- Carr, Michael
214 --- Carr, Morton (deceased)
215 --- Carr, Nancy (1) (dau of Milford)
216 --- Carr, Nancy (2) (dau of Vincent)
217 --- Carr, Nelson
218 --- Carr, Norma Jane (Barrieau)
219 --- Carr, Norman
220 --- Carr, Ossie
221 --- Carr, Patricia
222 --- Carr, Patsy (Tozer)
223 --- Carr, Paulette (Rogers)
224 --- Carr, Percy
225 --- Carr, Peter
226 --- Carr, Phyllis (1) (dau of Lester)
227 --- Carr, Phyllis (2) (dau of Woodrow)
228 --- Carr, Randall
229 --- Carr, Roger (1) (son of Lester) (deceased)
230 --- Carr, Roger (2) (son of Ronald)
231 --- Carr, Ronnie
232 --- Carr, Rosalie (1) (dau of Gerald)
233 --- Carr, Rosalie (Cogswell)(2) (dau of Orville)
234 --- Carr, Ross
235 --- Carr, Sandra (Gahan)
236 --- Carr, Sharon (1) (dau of Orville) (Carr-Mason)
237 --- Carr, Sharon (2) (dau of Devernt)
238 --- Carr, Sheila (Howe)
239 --- Carr, Stephen (1) (son of Berlin)
239a -- Carr, Stephen (2) (son of Kenneth)
240 --- Carr, Suzanne
241 --- Carr, Ted
242 --- Carr, Terry Sue (Landry)
243 --- Carr, Tim
244 --- Carr, Tina
245 --- Carr, Trudy (McDonald)
246 --- Carr, Verna (Forsythe) (deceased)
247 --- Carr, Victor
248 --- Carr, Wallace
249 --- Carr, Walter “Sonny” (deceased)
250 --- Carr, Wayne (deceased)
251 --- Carr, Weldon
252 --- Carr, Wendell (1) (son of Devernt) (deceased)
253 --- Carr, Wendell (2) (son of Everett)
254 --- Carr, Weston
255 --- Carr, Wilson
256 --- Caseley, Tammy
257 --- Casey, Juliette (deceased)
258 --- Casey, Robert
259 --- Cashol, Nicholas
260 --- Chappelle, Allison
261 --- Chappelle, Beverly (Blinn) (deceased)
262 --- Chappelle, Brenda (Leavitt)
263 --- Chappelle, Cathy
264 --- Chappelle, Edna (Drummond)
265 --- Chappelle, Eric Robert
266 --- Chappelle, Lynn (Gregan)
267 --- Chappelle, Patsy (Dickinson)
268 --- Chappelle, Peggy (Gallagher)
269 --- Chappelle, Ricky
270 --- Chase, Carol Ann
271 --- Chase, Eric (deceased)
272 --- Chase, Jim
273 --- Chase, Jocelyn (Colburne)
274 --- Chase, Margaret
275 --- Chase, Michael
276 --- Chase, Nancy (deceased)
277 --- Chase, Tim
278 --- Chessie, Ann
279 --- Chessie, Barbara Ann
280 --- Chessie, John
281 --- Chessie, Larry
282 --- Chessie, Pat
283 --- Chessie, Paul
284 --- Chessie, Peggy
285 --- Clark, Brian
286 --- Clark, Cheryl
287 --- Clark, Diane
288 --- Clark, Ricky
289 --- Cogswell, Benny (deceased)
290 --- Cogswell, Blaine (deceased)
291 --- Cogswell, Bonnie (Anderson)
292 --- Cogswell, Brenda
293 --- Cogswell, Carol (Deceased)
294 --- Cogswell, Cathy
295 --- Cogswell, Dale
296 --- Cogswell, Elizabeth (Shanks)
297 --- Cogswell, Jim
298 --- Cogswell, Karen (Shears)
299 --- Cogswell, Lucha (Chater)
300 --- Cogswell, Melda (Carr)
301 --- Cogswell, Mike
302 --- Cogswell, Milton
303 --- Colburne, Betty Ann
304 --- Colburne, Eileen (Millard)
305 --- Colburne, John
306 --- Collicott, Leslie
307 --- Collicott, Winston
308 --- Comeau, Lynn
309 --- Comeau, Ronald
310 --- Comeau, Tim
311 --- Connelly, Michael
312 --- Connely, Deborah
313 --- Cormier, Claudette
314 --- Cormier, Edith
315 --- Cormier, Sandra (Carr)
316 --- Crawford, Beverly
317 --- Crawford, Mary
318 --- Crawford, Patricia
319 --- Crawford, Ralph
320 --- Crawford, Robert
321 --- Crawford, Shirley
322 --- Crawford, Stephen
323 --- Crawford, Willard
324 --- Cronkhite, Paulette
325 --- Crouse, Barbara
326 --- Crouse, Elizabeth
327 --- Crouse, Gilbert
328 --- Cummings, Shelley
329 --- Currie, Audrey
330 --- Currie, Barbara
331 --- Currie, Winnifred
332 --- Currier, Amy
333 --- Currier, Dale (deceased)
334 --- Currier, Eric (deceased)
335 --- Currier, Graham
336 ---
337 --- Daigle, Ben
338 --- Darrah, Linda
339 --- Davidson, ?? Ann
340 --- Davidson, Arnold
341 --- Davidson, Billy (deceased)
342 --- Davidson, Harold
343 --- Davidson, John
344 --- Davidson, Lillian (Laderoute) (deceased)
345 --- Davidson, Ronnie
346 --- Davis, Cindy
347 --- Davis, Cora
348 --- Davis, Rose
349 --- Dickinson, Dennis
350 --- Dickinson, Garry
351 --- Dickinson, John
352 --- Dickinson, Judy (Willet)
352a -- Dickinson, Robert
353 --- Dickinson, Thomas
354 --- Dickinson, Wanda (Gadd)
355 --- Dockendorff, David
356 --- Doiron, Roy
357 --- Donnelle, Diane
357a -- Donnelle, Doug
358 --- Donnelle, Judy
359 --- Donnelle, Robert (deceased)
360 --- Donnelle, Wayne
361 --- Donovan, Billy
362 --- Donovan, Buddy
363 --- Donovan, Burton
364 --- Donovan, George
365 --- Donovan, Reece (deceased)
366 --- Donovan, Stephen (deceased)
367 --- Drummond, Barbara (McLaughlin)
368 --- Drummond, Bertha
369 --- Drummond, Bonnie (Grace)
370 --- Drummond, Brian
371 --- Drummond, Deborah (Burtt)
372 --- Drummond, Guy
373 --- Drummond, Jerry
374 --- Drummond, Patsy
374a -- Drummond, Ross
375 --- Dutcher, Eldon
376 --- Dutcher, Lee
377 --- Dutcher, Sandra
378 --- Edwards, Lynda
379 --- Edwards, Thomas
380 --- Emery, Charles
381 --- Ernest, Darlene
382 --- Ernest, Heather
383 --- Ernest, Helen
384 --- Estabrooks, Austin
385 --- Estabrooks, Beryl (Johnstone)
386 --- Estabrooks, Joe
387 --- Estabrooks, Linda
388 --- Forbes, Cheryl
389 --- Fornier, Charles
390 --- Fornier, John
391 --- Fornier, Roderick
392 --- Fornier, Suzanne
393 --- Forysthe, Donna (deceased)
394 --- Foss, David (deceased)
395 --- Foss, Irving
396 --- Foss, Mark
397 --- Foss, Miles
398 --- Foss, Roxann
399 --- Foster, Janice
400 --- Foster, Jerry
401 --- Foster, Stephen
402 --- Foster, Winona
403 --- Fournier, Judy
404 --- Fox, Linda
405 --- Gallant, Claude
406 --- Gallant, Dianne
407 --- Gallant, Rejean
408 --- Gammel, Gertrude
409 --- Gammel, Ted
410 --- Gammil, Lothar
411 --- Gammil, Martha
412 --- Garbrett, Raymond
413 --- Gardner, Diane (Carr)
414 --- Gardner, Dyrek
415 --- Gardner, Norman
416 --- Gardner, Phyllis
417 --- Gardner, Robert
418 --- Gates, Charlotte (Dove)
419 --- Gates, Colin (deceased)
420 --- Gates, Garnet
421 --- Gaudet, Andrea
422 --- Gaudet, Daniel (deceased)
423 --- Gaudet, Hardy
424 --- Gaudet, Leah
425 --- Gaudet, Linda
426 --- Gaudet, Marie
427 --- Gaudet, Norma
428 --- Gaudet, Roger
429 --- Good, Robert
430 --- Goodwin, Dawn
431 --- Grabil, Robin
432 --- Grabill, John
433 --- Grace, Dennis
434 --- Grace, Donna (Carr)
435 --- Grace, Jerry (deceased)
436 --- Grace, Joanne
437 --- Grace, Keith
438 --- Grant, Deborah
439 --- Grasse, Carolyn (Moss)
440 --- Grasse, Charlene
441 --- Grasse, Charles (deceased)
442 --- Grasse, Danny
443 --- Grasse, Dwayne
444 --- Grasse, Evelean (Holt)
445 ---
446 --- Grasse, Jacqueline (Murray)
447 --- Grasse, Janet
448 --- Grasse, Juanita (Desmond)
449 --- Grasse, Marlene (Bennett)
450 --- Grasse, Marty
451 --- Grasse, Mavis
452 --- Grasse, Muriel (Boone)
453 --- Grasse, Ronnie (deceased)
454 --- Grasse, Sheldon
455 --- Grasse, Steven
455a -- Grasse, Wanda
456 --- Grasse, Wilma
457 --- Green, Gordon
458 --- Greer, Michael
459 --- Greer, Patricia
460 --- Greer, Philip
461 --- Hachey, Rena
462 --- Halihan, Jocelyne
463 --- Hall, Floyd
464 --- Hall, Mae (Wood)
465 --- Hanna, Derrick
466 --- Hanna, Robert
467 --- Hannen, Allison
468 --- Hannen, Leonard
469 --- Hannen, Madolyn
470 --- Hannen, Novella
471 --- Hannen, Ronald
472 --- Hanson, Larry (deceased)
473 --- Hanson, Robin
474 --- Harnish, Alfie (deceased)
475 --- Harnish, Bobby
476 --- Harnish, Cedric
477 --- Harnish, Don
478 --- Harnish, Doug (deceased)
479 --- Harnish, Ethel
480 --- Harnish, Janet
481 --- Harnish, Susan
482 --- Harper, Dereta (Horn)
483 --- Harper, Kenny
484 --- Harper, Ralph (deceased)
485 --- Harquail, Barbara
486 --- Harquail, Theresa
487 --- Harris, David
488 --- Harris, Richard
489 --- Hatt, Gerald
490 --- Hatt, Vance
491 --- Hill, Connie (McDonald)
492 --- Hill, Kenneth
493 --- Hill, Robert
494 --- Hillier, Bruce
495 --- Hillier, Michael
496 --- Hillier, Stephen
497 --- Hines, Keith
498 --- Hines, Pamela
499 --- Hines, Stanwood (deceased)
500 --- Hogan, Edward
501 --- Hogan, Linda
502 --- Holman, Richard
503 --- Holmes, Ann Marie
504 --- Holmes, Robert
505 --- Hovey, Eugene
505a -- Howe, Arthur
506 --- Howe, Brenda
507 --- Howe, Carman
508 --- Howe, Christopher
509 --- Howe, Daryl
510 --- Howe, Eleanor (Fidler)
511 --- Howe, Elzie
512 --- Howe, Emery
513 --- Howe, Gary
514 --- Howe, Gloria
515 --- Howe, Greta (Carr)
516 --- Howe, Jim
517 --- Howe, Joe
518 --- Howe, Judith
519 --- Howe, Lena (Mitchell)
520 --- Howe, Margaret (deceased)
521 --- Howe, Mark
522 --- Howe, Nellie (Mullaly) (deceased)
523 --- Howe, Richard
524 --- Howe, Stanley
525 --- Howe, Terry
526 --- Howe, Violet (Cummings)
527 --- Howie, Judy
528 --- Ivey, Eleanor(McCann)
529 --- Ivey, Malcolm
530 --- Johnson, Alanna
531 --- Johnson, Alfred
532 --- Johnson, Betty Ann
533 --- Johnson, William
534 --- Jonah, Michael
535 --- Jones, Carolyn
536 --- Jones, Dawn Marie
537 --- Jones, Ella
538 --- Jones, Francine
539 --- Jones, Gary
539a -- Jones, Jimmy
540 --- Jones, John
541 --- Jones, Mary Elizabeth (Tremblay)
542 --- Jones, Patrick
543 --- Jones, Percy
544 --- Jones, Richard
545 --- Justason, Barry
546 --- Justason, Brian
547 --- Justason, Karen
548 --- Justason, Linda (deceased)
549 --- Justason, Michael
550 --- Justason, Rick
551 --- Justason, Wanda (Ringuette)
552 --- Keizer, Danny
553 --- Keizer, Paul
554 --- Keizer, Randy
555 --- Kennedy, Gilbert
556 --- Kennedy, Madalyn
557 --- Kenny, Gisele
558 --- Kenny, Jacquline
559 --- Kerr, Ardith
560 --- Keyes, Sharon
561 --- King, Eugene
562 --- Labbe, Francine
563 --- Labbe, Suzanne
564 --- Ladds, Elizabeth
565 --- Lantaigne, Robin
566 --- Lanteigne, Robert
567 --- LeBlanc, Bernice
568 --- LeBlanc, Gary
569 --- LeBlanc, Jean Paul
570 --- LeBlanc, John
571 --- LeBlanc, Leo
572 --- LeBlanc, Omer
573 --- LeBlanc, Rachel
574 --- LeClair, Daniel
575 --- LeClair, Sharon
576 --- LeClair, Shirley
577 --- LeFait, David
578 --- LeFait, Georgette
579 --- LeFait, Raymond (deceased)
580 --- LeFait, Steve (deceased)
581 --- Legere, Carolyn
582 --- Legere, Diane (McAleer)
583 --- Legere, Grant
584 --- Legere, John
585 --- Legere, Robert
586 --- Lenentine, Bernita (Cogswell)
587 --- Lenentine, Beth
587a -- Lenentine, Linda
588 --- Lenentine, Mary
589 --- Leonard, Weldon
590 --- Leopold, Peter
591 --- Levison, Tim
592 --- Lewis, Gwen
593 --- Lewis, Wendy
594 --- Logue, Barbara
595 --- Logue, Brian
596 --- Logue, Francis
597 --- Logue, Harold
598 --- Logue, Walter
599 --- Long, Blair
600 --- Long, Gary
601 --- Long, Lorraine
602 --- Lucy, Bonita
603 --- Lucy, Douglas
604 --- Lunnie, Barbara
605 --- Lunnie, Bobby
606 --- Lunnie, Earl (deceased)
607 --- Lunnie, Ellery
608 --- Lunnie, Elva
609 --- Lunnie, Reta
610 --- McAleer, Arthur
612 --- McAleer, Brian
613 --- McAleer, Donna
614 --- McAleer, Doug
615 --- McAleer, Elizabeth "Betsy" (Howe)
616 --- McAleer, Evelyn
617 --- McAleer, George (deceased)
618 --- McAleer, Shirley
619 --- MacDonald, Elmo
620 --- MacGougan, Betty Ann
621 --- MacGougan, Linda Lou (deceased)
622 --- MacGougan, Michael
623 --- MacPherson, Allan
624 --- Maher, Carmel
625 --- Maher, Joanne
626 --- Maher, Wendy
627 --- Maillet, Desiree
628 --- Maillet, Gerald
629 --- Maillet, Gloria
630 --- Mallet, Jervais
631 --- Maillet, Livain
632 --- Mallet, Victor
633 --- Mallet, Azylda
634 --- Mallet, Flora
635 --- Mallet, Ovilda
636 --- Malley, Emily
637 --- Malley, Stanley
638 --- Mannette, Douglas
639 --- Mannette, Lynn
640 --- Mannette, Raymond
641 --- Mason, Cathy
642 --- Mason, Danny
643 --- Mason, Faye
644 --- Mason, Katherine
645 --- Matheson, Gail
646 --- Matheson, Tim
647 --- Maynard, Barbara
648 --- Maynard, Francis
649 --- Maynard, Jim (deceased)
650 --- Maynard, Maxine
651 --- McAleenan, Michael
652 --- McAleenan, Patty (Bartlett)
653 --- McAleenan, Peter
654 --- McArthur, Sylvia
655 --- McArthur, Willard
656 --- McConnell, Richard
657 --- McConnell, Wanda
658 --- McConnell, Warren
659 --- McCutcheon, Cheryl (Johnson)
660 --- McCutcheon, Judy
661 --- McCutcheon, Wayne
662 --- McKay, Alan
663 --- McKay, George
664 --- McKay, Robert
665 --- McKinney, Catherine (Brannen)
666 --- McKnight, Ann (Bramble)
667 --- McLaughlin, Carl
668 --- McLaughlin, Donnie
669 --- McLellan, Darlene (Maillet)
670 --- McNeil, Margaret
671 --- McNicol, Robert
672 --- Merrett, Graham
673 --- Merrett, Margaret
674 --- Merrett, Michael
675 --- Merrett, Susan (MacDonald)
676 --- Merritt, Alice
677 --- Mersereau, Irene
678 --- Mersereau, Ronald
679 --- Millard, Kenneth
680 --- Miller, Brenda
681 --- Mills, Eva (Nash)
682 --- Mills, Nelson
683 --- Mintz, Rodney
684 --- Mintz, Rose Mary
685 --- Mitchell, Ruth (Muscroft)
686 --- Monroe, Linda
687 --- Morehouse, Annie
688 --- Morehouse, Cathy
689 --- Morehouse, Darrell
690 --- Morehouse, David (deceased)
691 --- Morehouse, Don
692 --- Morehouse, Donna
693 --- Morehouse, Edward
694 --- Morehouse, Keith (deceased)
694a -- Morehouse, Roger
695 --- Morehouse, Ronald
696 --- Morehouse, Susan
697 --- Morine, Donna
698 --- Morine, Holly
699 --- Mullen, Walter
700 --- Munn, Alice
701 --- Munn, Douglas
702 --- Munn, Gail (Smith)
703 --- Munn, Lee
704 --- Munn, Neil
705 --- Munn, Vernon
706 --- Murphy, Duane
707 --- Murphy, Gregory
708 --- Murphy, Wallace
709 --- Murray, Allen
710 --- Murray, Bernard
711 --- Murray, Mary Ann (Carr)
712 --- Murray, Maurice
713 --- Murray, Ralph (deceased)
714 --- Murray, Ronald
715 --- Nickerson, Bonita
716 --- Nieson, Kim
717 ---
718 --- O'Grady, Jerry
719 --- O'Grady, Pat (Allen)
720 --- O'Grady, Rosemarie
721 --- Oakley, Edith (Cogswell)
722 --- Oakley, Maria (Meade)
723 --- Owens, John (deceased)
724 --- Owens, Marilyn (Acker)
725 --- Owens, Sharon
726 --- Palmer, Calvin
727 --- Palmer, Eric
728 --- Palmer, Richard
729 --- Palmer, Robert
730 --- Parent, Edith
731 --- Parent, George
732 --- Parent, Harris
733 --- Parent, Sandra
734 --- Parker, Wayne
735 --- Parnell, Brenda
736 --- Parnell, Brendan
737 --- Parson, David
738 --- Parson, Gladys
739 --- Parson, Keith
739a -- Parson, Sharon (Carr)
740 --- Phillips, Ewart “Sonny” (deceased)
741 --- Phillips, Michael
742 --- Piercy, Brenda (Nickerson)
743 --- Piercy, Deborah (Ellis)
744 --- Piercy, Gary (deceased)
745 --- Piercy, Jim
746 --- Player, Carla (Haley)
747 --- Player, Jim
748 --- Player, Wayne
749 --- Poole, Donna
750 --- Poole, Susan
751 --- Poore, Albert
752 --- Poore, Fred
753 --- Poore, Kenneth
754 --- Poore, Mark
755 --- Poore, Sandra
756 --- Porter, Juanita
757 --- Porter, Virginia
758 --- Power, Diane
759 --- Power, Joey (deceased)
760 --- Power, Louise
761 --- Power, Lynda
762 --- Radkie, Darrell
763 --- Radkie, David
764 --- Radkie, Robert
765 --- Ratko, John
766 --- Ratko, Joseph
767 --- Ratko, Mary
768 --- Ratko, Stephen
769 --- Raymond, Linda (Laberge)
770 --- Raymond, Lois
771 --- Rideout, Dale
772 --- Rideout, Daryl
773 --- Rideout, Derrick
774 --- Rideout, Edward
775 --- Rideout, Velma
776 --- Riding, Antoni
777 --- Riding, Susan
778 --- Robichaud, Clara (deceased)
779 --- Robichaud, Joseph
780 --- Robichaud, Mabel
781 --- Roy, Ronald
782 --- Rudniski, Mitzi
783 --- Rutter, John
783a -- Ryan, Ann (Hall)
784 --- Ryan, Carol
785 --- Ryan, Catherine
786 --- Ryan, John
787 --- Ryan, Teresa (deceased)
788 --- Sageo, Stephen
789 --- Sample, Stanford
790 --- Sample, Susan
791 --- Scoville, Barbara
792 --- Scoville, Carol Ann
793 --- Scoville, Darlene
794 --- Scoville, Judalon
795 --- Scoville, Wendy
796 --- Shanks, Fred
797 --- Shanks, Marilyn (Morehouse)
798 --- Shears, Alton
799 --- Shears, David (deceased)
800 --- Shears, Rick
801 --- Shears, Stephen
802 --- Shipley, John
803 --- Silva, Armando
804 --- Simpson, Barbara (Legere)
805 --- Simpson, Cathy
806 --- Simpson, Deborah
807 --- Simpson, Dennis
808 --- Simpson, Doug (deceased)
809 --- Simpson, Jane
810 --- Simpson, Joe
811 --- Simpson, Linda (Phillips)
812 --- Simpson, Mary Rose (Carr)
813 --- Simpson, Murray
814 --- Simpson, Richard (deceased)
815 --- Simpson, Robert
816 --- Smith, Anna (McLaughlin) (deceased)
817 --- Smith, Blaine
818 --- Smith, Brenda (Clark)
819 --- Smith, Carol (Falconer)
820 --- Smith, Darrell
821 --- Smith, Deborah
822 --- Smith, Doug (deceased)
823 --- Smith, Edgar
824 --- Smith, Elwood
825 --- Smith, Jerry
826 --- Smith, Joyce (Carr)
827 --- Smith, Judy
828 --- Smith, Kenneth
829 --- Smith, Larry
830 --- Smith, Mike
831 --- Smith, Norma
832 --- Smith, Rilla
833 --- Smith, Roger
834 --- Smith, Ronald
835 --- Smith, Shirley (Casely)
836 --- Smith, Susan (McLaggan)(deceased)
837 --- Smith, Suzanne (Duplessis)
838 --- Smith, Terry
839 --- Smith, Vincent
840 --- Smith, Wilmot
841 --- Snowden, Crystal
842 --- Snowdon, James
843 --- Soulnier, Fernand
844 --- Soutar, David
845 --- Soutar, Ian
846 --- Soutar, Lorraine
847 --- Soutar, Sylvia
848 --- Squires, Barry
849 --- Squires, Charles
850 --- Squires, Judy
851 --- Stennick, Avis (Duplessis)
852 --- Stennick, Bobby
853 --- Stennick, Carl
854 --- Stennick, David
855 --- Stennick, Doris
856 --- Stennick, Elizabeth
857 --- Stennick, Hazel
858 --- Stennick, Janet (Green)
859 --- Stennick, Retta (Flowers)
860 --- Stennick, Robert
861 --- Stevens, John
862 --- Stevens, Pam
863 --- Stevens, Randy
864 --- Stevens, Tim (deceased)
865 --- Stewart, Lincoln (deceased)
866 --- Stewart, Mary
867 --- Stewart, Sandra
868 --- Stout, Marsha
869 --- Tate, Kenneth
870 --- Taylor, James
871 --- Taylor, John
872 --- Taylor, Ted
873 --- Terris, Angela
874 --- Terris, Moniko
875 --- Theriault, Brenda
876 --- Theriault, Donna
877 --- Theriault, Joyce
878 --- Theriault, Larry
879 --- Theriault, Linda
880 --- Theriault, Lorna
881 --- Theriault, Norman
882 --- Theriault, Richard
883 --- Thistle, Ronald
884 --- Thompson, Johnny
885 --- Thurber, Herbert
886 --- Thurber, Janice
887 --- Thurston, Doris
888 --- Thurston, Joan
889 --- Till, Andrew “Holly”
890 --- Till, Ann (deceased)
891 --- Till, Janice
892 --- Till, Rose (Carr)
893 --- Tower, Karen
894 --- Tower, Peggy
895 --- Tower, Susan
896 --- Truax, Andrew
897 --- Truax, Ellen
898 --- Truax, Ernest
899 --- Truax, Kenneth
899a -- Vickers, David
900 --- Vienneau, Jack
901 --- Von Richter, Brian
902 --- Von Richter, Bruce
903 --- Von Richter, David
904 --- Von Richter, Glendon
905 --- Von Richter, Ken
906 --- Wentzell, Cecil
907 --- Westall, Joan
908 --- Westall, Judith
909 --- Whalen, Dolores (Drummond)
910 --- Whitman, Deborah
911 --- Whittaker, Connie
912 --- Whittaker, John
913 --- Wilcox, Frederick
914 --- Wilcox, Gary
915 --- Wilcox, Richard
916 --- Wilcox, Stillman
917 --- Williams, Ella
918 --- Willman, Kenneth
919 --- Wilson, Paul
919a -- Wood, Blaine (deceased)
920 --- Wood, Corrina (Carr)
921 --- Wood, Debbie (Carr)
922 --- Wood, Edith
923 --- Wood, Glendon
924 --- Wood, LeBaron
925 --- Wood, Rebecca
926 --- Wood, Terry (deceased)
927 --- Wood, Victor (deceased)
928 --- Wright, Stanley
929 --- Young, Aubrey
930 --- Young, Hideki
931 --- Youritchuk, Heather (Williams)
932 --- Youritchuk, Michael
